How I make graphics!

I use Krita, Ibispaint, and Photopea, but the program you use wouldn't matter. Just as long as you can make a small cavas and can import images, you can make these!

Ezgif is a very important resource to have in this!


Blinkies are very simple to make! They're typically only 2 frames long.

Blinkies need to be 150 x 20 pixels big or an equavilent size!


You can make your own stamp template or use one from somwhere else. I use this template:

Making stamps from images:

Import the stamp template in your program, and import your image into it.

If you want it to be a gif, save your frames and import them into Ezgif.

Making stamps from videos/gifs:

This way is slightly more complex, but also luckily only uses Ezgif!

Grab your gif you want to use, or make one in video to gif.

If the gif isn't in a landscape size, crop it to be that way.

Go to resize, make the dimensions the size of your stamp template MINUS the size of the borders. For example, the thickness of the border on the 99 x 56 stamp template i use is 3 pixels wide for each stampy bit, so take 6 (3 for each side of it) away from 99 and 56, so you get 93 x 50! Make sure to make it “stretch to fit” as well!! Also, as a tip, keep this tab open just in case you miscalculate the size of your gif!

Go to “add overlay”, go on the “extend canvas size” button, then import your stamp template. Then you just move it to fit over your gif. If the resizing goes well, it shouldnt have any transparent lines in the border!

Extending the canvas size will result in a lot of transparent pixels around the image, so go to the “crop” button, and check the “autocrop” thingie, and then your stamp would be the correct size!

This is optional, but i heavily suggest you optimize your stamp as well! You can totally just download it as is, but:

  1. stamps are tiny, so it’s not like some artifacting will hurt it.
  2. if youre going to upload this to a Neocities page (or anything else that has a file size upload limit), you WILL need to optimize it, to save on space. Its also just good to have lighter files saved on your computer instead of something massive that doesnt need to be.
  3. a larger image file can just BLOAT UP a page's memory usage, and if you’re going to have a lot of stamps on the same page, you might need to keep them small.